Saturday, October 22, 2011

People and Things WE DUG from the NYCC

#1 - Felipe Echevarria Fem Drops, is super well done 
#2 - So dudes, by Ryan Browne is bonkers, he does the GodHatesAstronauts but this is way better.  "You made a giant robot business man out of smaller robot business men?"

#3 - is flash drives and bunch of super nice people who work there
#4 - The is back in print and with a vengeance, all kind of toys and stuff
#5 - Lars and the is possibly the best thing ever for some one like me who has monster boxes full of 80's trading cards, check out the arthustle and the suckadelic brands they push

#6 - So we sat next to Brian Anderson and his, just starting out on his custom toys after spending years doing animation work for a big studio
#7 - and we sat next, Keegan and his wife screamed great customer service, their website is the number one way to track and manage and trade and sell your art/toy collection 
#8 -, go getta bag full of their toys
#9 - traded with awesome shirts, awesome logo
#10 - met Johnny Earle, the main dude at incredible story on how he went from a van to stores in the US and Europe, stay punk rock
#11 - hung out with zander cannon for a minute, young adult horror fiction comic,
#12 - met Dan Armand of 1xRun, limited edition art prints 
#13 - talked to mike maydak,  he has a awesome new book available, got to his website to check out some awesome bounty hunter paintings
#14 - Second show now that i have had the pleasure of talking to William Brimstone.
#15 - gave us some stickers 

so this was like some of the people we ran into last weekend at the #NYCC, 

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